Individually Handmade Japanese Candles Passed Down the Generations
Nakamura Rosoku
- 1887
- Japanese candles
- Hirokazu Tagawa
Individual candles being decorated by hand
130 Years of Handcrafting Soft, Warm Lights
For over 130 years, Nakamura Rosoku have dedicated themselves to producing exquisite Kyoto candles.
Japanese candles have been used over the ages for Buddhist rites and other special occasions.
However, demand has decreased due to the prevalence of inexpensive Western and electric flameless candles.
Adding to this challenge are issues like the decreasing availability of Japanese wax obtained from the berries of “haze” trees, which is the main component of Japanese candles.
To solve these problems, Nakamura Rosoku has joined a project to cultivate haze trees and increase wax production.
They are also striving to make Kyoto candles more appealing to the younger generations, such as by developing stylish, scented versions and more.
The warm, gentle glow of Japanese candles
An Embodiment of Remarkable Traditional Craftsmanship
The main difference between Japanese and Western candles is the ingredients.
While Western candles are made with petroleum-based materials, Japanese candles are solely plant-based. Producing no petro-carbon soot, Japanese candles are an environmentally friendly alternative to regular, modern candles.
Japanese candles are made from the berries of a variety of haze tree called “budo haze.”
Today, there is only one remaining farm in Wakayama Prefecture still growing budo haze trees.
As this does not allow for a steady supply, Nakamura Rosoku decided to cultivate new budo haze trees in Kyoto City.
It takes three to four years to bear fruit and the trees are often damaged by deer and other pests, so for the time being, it has to supplement its stock with berries from other prefectures.
However, Nakamura Rosoku hopes to one day make Japanese candles using only berries from Kyoto.
A major characteristic of Japanese candles is the way they burn. With hollow wicks creating space for the air to flow, the flame produced is large and sways gently even when there’s no wind.
It does not get blown away by the wind easily and yields an enchanting, mystic atmosphere.
Being entirely handmade, each individual candle embodies the traditional techniques and mastery of numerous craftspeople.
Message to Customers
A Flicker That Nourishes the Soul
Japanese candles emit an orange flame that is slightly darker than that of Western candles.
This is because plant-based wax has a lower melting point than paraffin wax. The dark color is easy and inviting to look at.
It is also said that Japanese candles emit a “1/f flicker” noise that relaxes us similarly to the rhythm of a heartbeat, the rocking of trains, the sound of streams, and the light of fireflies.
It can’t be found in Western candles, so make sure you savor it if you get the chance to experience it.