It depends on the status of the item you ordered.

  • Items listed as "in stock" will typically arrive within 2 weeks of purchase.
  • Items listed as "backorder OK" can sometimes take longer. If you need your order by a certain time, please email our support team at before ordering to confirm the fulfillment time
  • Items listed as "backorder OK" that also have a banner over the image with the text [Pre-order] have a waiting list and can take many months to be fulfilled. Please see our page about pre-orders here

If the product is damaged during shipment, we will accept a return. Please notify us ASAP by emailing

Returns for other reasons are not generally allowed, as we have had issues in the past with fake kiriko products being returned in place of the original glass.

Import duties and taxes vary by country and are not included in the price of our products. Please see our Shipping Policy page for more information


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